
Prune puree: the natural alternative to chemical antioxidants
A recent study carried out by researchers from the Universidad de Oriente de Venezuela and Texas A&M University has revealed that dehydrated prune puree could replace chemical antioxidants used in the food industry, especially those known as BHT and BHA.
BHA (butylated hydroxy anisole) is a chemical antioxidant that has been used for more than 50 years in the food industry. This compound is valued for its ability to be fat soluble, making it ideal for use in products such as industrial baked goods, dehydrated soups and pastries. However, its safety has been questioned. Studies have shown that, in high doses, BHA could be carcinogenic, at least in experiments on laboratory mice.
BHT is another petroleum-derived chemical antioxidant, which is used together with BHA because of their similar properties. Although both antioxidants are effective in extending the shelf life of foods, their use has raised concerns about possible adverse health effects.
In the face of these risks, science has sought safer and more natural alternatives. Recent research has shown that prune puree could not only replace these chemical antioxidants, but also offers additional advantages. In trials on meat products, the addition of dried prune puree not only improved preservation by reducing oxidative spoilage, but also had a minor impact on the organoleptic qualities of the meat.

Replacing chemical additives
This study is part of a growing trend in food research that seeks to replace chemical additives with natural alternatives. For example, meat products such as sausages, sausages or hamburgers could benefit from a mixture of prune puree and dehydrated apples to extend their shelf life in a healthier way.
Prunes are known for their high antioxidant power, surpassing even other fruits. They contain up to 20 different compounds that effectively fight free radicals. In addition, their richness in vitamins and minerals makes them a nutritious option that, unlike chemical antioxidants, presents no health risks.
In the research, pork sausages were prepared with different formulations of prune puree and dehydrated apples. These sausages were subjected to simulated industrial processes, and the results were surprising: the natural formulations were more effective than BHT and BHA in slowing down oxidation. Although the use of these purees can slightly alter the color and flavor of meat products, these differences are minimal compared to the health benefits.
Details of this research have been published in the Journal of Food Science. The search for healthier and more natural solutions to extend the shelf life of foods continues to advance.
Sources: Journal of Food Science
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